As I walk upon this Earth island of light an instilled distant memory of God's true nature stirs within the council of my mind. My heart knows it is singular in nature; many beings reflected within oneness. My life force responds to the one voice that is embodied here as an endless kaleidoscope of creativity and choice. My holy spirit awakens a bit more as the lords of wisdom whisper the one truth ~ that I AM love incarnate radiating from within a precious physical life. How magnificent it is to sense this remark-able action of the Great Spirit this morning!
And so from just one memory, a single spark of renewed connection I claim my own authentic aspects of the most creative force of All That Is. I can change the entire course of this day simply by being "what I was made to be". . . an immortal spirit knowing that it exists through a soul that is clearly aligned with God. A being understanding the nature of this dimension as I journey and decode its reality. This week I stand silently at a new sacred portal of opportunity. A new-era paradigm of increased responsibility and compassion. Through this portal I move into a collective of the greater whole of my existence. All my sensory fields blend to initialize the impending September energies and I become the confident recipient of a more specifically attuned future. Mysteries revealed already peek between veiled thoughts, while waves of expanded consciousness await their turn.
This island planet is known as the seeker. For as one is born into flesh, one begins to seek. Thankfully this day I no longer seek for I know that I can simply speak God into awakening within. And so it shall be, for the place where I stand the Light bends just for me. So the experience is.
~ Reverend Angela Peregoff