There are so many ways to feel dissatisfied so many different needs to meet so many goals to keep striving for so many problems to try to fix so much of the past you wish you could change so many fears from the future.
No wonder you feel overwhelmed like a traveller carrying too many bags with too many paths to choose from who has to keep stopping to rest until he can’t go on, and collapses. How could you ever be happy? Life’s too demanding and complicated.
But then – an electric shock, an illness or accident death creeps behind and swipes you hard across your back awakening you from your torpor and suddenly the fog dissolves away And you can see the narrow ledge you’re walking - the one you’ve always been walking – between life and death.
And now it’s all so simple and makes perfect sense - life is temporary and fragile, precious beyond value and life contains nothing except this present moment this brilliant beautiful river of experience.
And suddenly those needs stop niggling you the guilt and fear stop gnawing the phantoms of the past can’t scare you anymore there’s nothing to worry about or to be afraid of
Everything obliterated but the glory of this moment the grandeur of the world itself
And you know that this is all there is that this is where fulfilment lies and everything else is only a shadowplay of the mind.
From the book ‘The Meaning’ ~ Author: Steve Taylor
As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality.
There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 637