Posted at 10:57 AM in Blessings, Gratitude, Inspiration, Quotes, Science | Permalink | Comments (0)
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My thoughts are enriched by the creative spirit of God within me. I am filled with renewed enthusiasm, and my life is prospered.
I am a spiritual being, heir to the abundance of God's kingdom. My life is prospered and enriched.
I give thanks for God's prospering ideas that inspire me to live a full, rewarding life.
I am God's beloved creation, and I rely on God's provision to fulfill every good desire.
The presence of God is within and around me. I am alive with creative energy, awake to prospering ideas and open to unlimited goodness.
~ Unity
Posted at 08:54 AM in Blessings, Consciousness, Gratitude, Inspiration, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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The Power Of One
One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference,
You see, It's Up To You!
~ Author Unknown
Posted at 08:33 AM in Blessings, Consciousness, Gratitude, Inspiration, Poetry, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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There is a bond that exists between us, an unseen link that unites and satisfies us in ways nothing else can. In the end, what we're seeking isn't the riches of the world, but the richness of our Souls; and this can only come from realizing that we are connected and whole. Simply put: we are One.
The Proof: A 40-Day Program for Embodying Oneness
James F. Twyman with Anakha Coman
Page xiv
Posted at 09:15 AM in Consciousness, Inspiration, Quotes, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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The vastness and wonder of the Infinite, Creative Power of God is right here, right now. It is the energy of Spirit growing my ideas into being, growing me into an ever-greater expression of Itself.
God works with me as the fullness and presence of Its open heart. Little by little I begin to absorb the true understanding of unbirthed potential. The unlimited energy source that is available in nothingness (God resting) that can be given life and form. Messages and ideas gracefully come forth and I am aware that I can fill in all the blanks. If there is lack, I now command a full comprehension of the abundance principle. If I am desiring a fulfilling relationship, my consciousness is eclipsed with the once impossible dream. If I am looking for career satisfaction, my mind acts as a conduit of enhanced creativity leading to exactly the right position. In this new experience of dimensional reality, I have to ability to shift the outcomes of my whole world. And I do this by living for and in peace. By intentionally knowing that I deserve all that I seek.
It is said, "Seek and ye shall find." I seek to understand all the factors involved in the completion of this treatment. I am such a magical equation and so blessed to now use all the colors of life to paint a new beautiful picture of happiness.
Wa La!
And so it is.
Posted at 08:52 AM in Blessings, Consciousness, Gratitude, Inspiration, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Through all events of life I am forever grounded in the knowing that I rest in Oneness with the great maker of All That Is. This great one is at the center of my Being and provides the healing balm when outer experiences hurt. This kindness that forever has made its home in my heart knows nothing except wholeness and so I live as Spirit's perfection in this day and time.
With all I do, and achieve in my culture-sculpted life I am granted the consciousness of "spirit first". I am the wave of consciousness that my ancestors set in motion. I move faithfully into each and every moment of my Life alive with the knowledge that a life lived apart from God is not worth living. I have sought the kingdom within and have discovered the glory of its sanctuary. The pulse of my vibration beats calmly, and quietly with the peace of inner holiness. This purity is my strength in challenging times, my joy in the easiest of times. I know my life to be the revelation of what lives deep within so I commit to living from the inner first. The outer life bends to the will of the conscious thinker and creator.
Being in control of my Mind and therefore my Life is the greatest feeling! I am humbled to know that such greatness is tucked away within my reach, right in my own thoughts. Gratefully I release this concentration of sacred energy for the production of a truly satisfying life.
And so it is.
Posted at 09:58 AM in Blessings, Consciousness, Gratitude, Inspiration, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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The Mind of God, being always expansive and dynamic, is forever creating. There is a resonance within me that calls forth this living divinity that I may master the richness of a Soul centered life. I gain entry to all I desire by mentally aligning with an infinite resourcefulness from within.
In breaking through the limitations, barriers, blocks, and obstacles of my daily mindset I begin to transcend events that shield me from my true identity. I allow Spirit to propel my conscious understanding to higher levels of comprehension. I gain the panoramic awareness that, "I am a master playing the game from time to time of thinking that I am not a master". I am the master who is so creative and so powerful that I can temporarily play in a place where I deny my power, where I can say that I am the victim of another's decisions or of what my body tells me. I can laugh with those in the eternal realms as they witness an arc of Christ energy (me) having a human moment because I am getting It! I get It! I am a counterpiece of Universal Intelligence here to claim my divine inheritance as promised by the Holy Creator. And so the moral of the story is to openly, lovingly recognize that I am gifted with the one intelligence that expresses the Mind (capital "M") of All That Is.
My heart opens wide in receptivity to the magnificence of God as my life. Even in times when I feel alone, when I feel I am not enough -- I realize the Intelligence (capital "I") has walked with me. I celebrate the goodness this recognition releases and give thanks for it.
And so it is.
Posted at 10:56 AM in Blessings, Consciousness, Gratitude, Inspiration, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Leonardo da Vinci said that, and he was right. There are those who say that "time flies," but they are those who do not use every minute of it.
Time is actually your greatest gift. It is better than money. Therefore, invest it wisely.
What will you invest your time in today? What will be your return?
What did you invest your time in yesterday? What was your return?
Is it "time" to use you time more wisely?
Just wondering...
Love, Your Friend....
Neale Donald Walsch
Posted at 11:48 AM in Consciousness, Gratitude, Inspiration, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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There is only One Perfect Presence, the infinite source of life. It is the source of all Light, all Life, all Creativity, and all Truth. And this Perfect Presence is my source. It is always at work in me. It can never be hidden! I know that my life is pure Spirit, taking form as all that I body, my personality, the conditions I experience. And whatever masks those elements wear, the truth is that I am the wholeness of Spirit. I choose this day to see behind the masks that I wear, and see the glorious beauty within. With a heart opened wide to deep compassion and understanding of Self I refuse to be frightened by what might be hard to achieve. I choose to know that the power of Spirit is greater than all conditions. I know that the truth of what I desire is greater than appearances. I know that Principle is greater than personality.
Knowing this, all masks are removed, and the only thing left to see is the Infinite love of Spirit, in all its forms. Thank God for this wonderful experience! I let this be so, and give thanks for it continually.
And so it is.
Posted at 11:41 AM in Blessings, Gratitude, Inspiration, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Even when the outside world appears relentless in its urgency and stress there is a subtle Presence that awaits us. A welcome of Divine intimacy in which there is no barrier between It and me. It is the natural silence where space opens up to coax the eternal more fully into expression. Within this space I recognize the harvest of God is equally present in all existence. In all creation, I see God expressed.
When the politics of the external dominates everything and Spirit's subtle presence is largely unable to register its companionship with me I stop. I stop and create. . . designing the structure of the invisible divine depths with my imagination. In this ancient circle of belonging time loses its linearity and I dwell in the shelter of God that is a living archive of transcendence. Here I find healing from the storms of humanity. This is where comfort waits to soothe my mind, Love becomes audible and tranquility longs to embrace my call. Yes, in this kept-darkness the forgotten requiem of Divine affection that created us waits to bless, heal and protect so we can remember who we are. Far from the voices of the world I meet the loveliness that instinctively awaits emergence. Daily life will forever quicken with complexity but the Eternal carries us past the damaged experiences where we were wounded. Soon they become distant and foreign as Spirit's grace restores us with confidence and sureness.
This moment I am humbled to so passionately sense the providence that secretly shapes and guides my life. Thankfully healing Light now flows into every region of my heart awakening fresh clarity and a desire "to live everything!". I release these words knowing they are creative.
I let it be and so it is.
Posted at 09:27 AM in Blessings, Consciousness, Gratitude, Inspiration, Religion, Science, Spirituality, Universe | Permalink | Comments (0)
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